Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Ten on Tuesday...

Ten Favorite Time Wasters

1) The Internet! Or as one of my friends used to call it - "The Information Box". Now I can spend time looking up stuff!

2) Pattern Searching - for either quilting or knitting patterns. It matters not!!

3) Scanning/Uploading Photos - Love playing with photos - and I haven't even discovered things like PhotoShop - or those kinds of programs...

4) Reorganizing things...It's a thing I have that things just need to be organized...

5) Napping or Sleeping...Nothing nicer than an afternoon nap in the summer with the breeze blowing through the window...(it usually starts reading - and ends up napping!!!)

6) Reading!!! I love to read - but it does take time - but, it's such fun!!!

7) Playing Spider Solitaire - one of the games on my computer

8) Playing Mahjong Titans - another one of the games on my computer

9) Watching TV - I only consider it wasting time - if I've already seen the particular program...

10) E-mail and Blogging - is my favorite - I love blogging and reading blogs...
You can find Ten on Tuesday here.



At 6:12 PM, Blogger Irishcoda said...

I bet almost everyone will have the Internet on their list, I know I did! :)

At 6:37 PM, Blogger Ming the Merciless said...

You listed most of my favorite activities - blogging, photography, reading trivia on the internet, sleeping and watching TV. :-)

But I try to get out of the apartment as much as possible.

At 9:33 PM, Blogger knitseashore said...

Other than 7-9, we could be twins!


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