Thursday, February 15, 2007

Let It Snow...and then some...

Valentine's Day was spent quietly at home with Mother (whose Day-Out Program was cancelled due to SNOW) and the babies. When we awoke yesterday morning - there was lots of snow! Actually, it was the most snow that I've seen since we moved here three years ago. It is beautiful!

The babies don't know how to act...the sink to their chests in it...and hop like bunnies trying to make their way through it. Everytime they need to go out (which is about every two hours) I have to shovel the snow away from the door...and you can't see their previous foot steps! Last night they stated that we had 13 inches of snow - and now it is past that - 16 was the last I heard!!

Following Sprite's Challenge, I called a few of my friends that I had not talked to in ages and sent a couple of e-cards to others that I had not been in touch with in a long, long while.

I hope all of you had a great Valentine's Day that was filled with joy. You were thought about in this corner of the world!!!



At 3:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, the poor babies! Don't you wonder what goes through their heads at times like that?

At 4:55 PM, Blogger His Office, My Studio said...

I know just what you are saying. The big dogs love it outside. Max is having troubles with the snow. He hops too. We have about 12 inches of snow and I have a path for Max.

At 1:44 PM, Blogger Sprite said...

Oh, I remember those days from when I lived in Montana. It is beautiful though .. all that snow. When it covers everything it's like a winter wonderland.

Potty breaks sound like they're giving you an aerobic workout! I have 3 potty shifts around here now, but Izzy is mostly hitting the potty pads and kitty litter box still. lol


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