Saturday, July 15, 2006

Book 4 - Summer Reading...

Title: Dad by Choice
Author: Marie Ferrarella
Number of Pages: 245
Category: Silhouette Romance

This book is part of the Maitland Maternity Series...actually, it was the first...and featured Dr. Abby Maitland, an OB doctor. The story centers around Abby and Kyle McDermott, the brother of her patient, Marcie. Marcie is 18, single, and pregnant and Kyle's main objective is to get Abby to side with him in wanting Marcie to marry the father of the baby.

A secondary story is begun in this book with a baby being dropped off at Maitland Maternity with a note stating that he his an "heir" to the Maitland line. Very little time is given to this secondary story and I was very disappointed that it was never flushed out and an outcome reached. It means that now I must go looking for the rest of the stories to see what happens to this baby and who he belongs to.

The story line between Abby and Kyle was good...and it was a sensual read...and had a happy ever after, it was a fun summer read.


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