Catchin' Up...
A Three Day was more like a three day get stuff caught up time!!
Tuseday became a day for me - I needed it! Two of my outdoor cats, Apollo and Zeus, were heading for a new home and I had agreed to deliver them so that I would know where they were going to be. It was a good decision.

The top photo is of Wanderer and Zeus (black cat) and Apollo is in the bottom photo.
The trip took about 25 minutes into the farmlands of Cornish, NH. They were going to become barn cats and chase mice (which they dearly love to do) on a lovely horse farm of 110 acres! The barn was huge - and immediately upon arriving Zeus set out exploring (after eating breakfast) and headed up into the lofts of the barn...Apollo followed later that day (I understand) he was a bit shy. The lofts will now be their new home complete with bedding that has been prepared for them and a great high perch to watch the world from.
While it was a very difficult thing for me to was the right thing.
The rest of Tuesday was spent at a new Yarn Shop in White River Junction. It was a learning experience for me and found some new things that already have improved my knitting.
1) I was not carrying the yarn around my little finger - therefore I was knitting loose...but, I've got that covered now...and after I finish my Cabin Cove Socks - I will be knitting the new way.
2) The way I have always cast on has been to knit my stitches on - but now there is a new way or a different way - learned the long tail cast on.
So, it was a worthwhile trip to the yarn shop...
Wednesday and Thursday were spent sorting though all my yarn and organizing it so that I know what I have and what projects I have yarns for...and knitting.
Now, if anyone wants to come and help me shovel approximately two feet of snow off my back steps, I'll be waiting for you - shovel in hand.
Labels: Personal
Apollo looks like our "Archie". Sometimes that hardest things in life are always the best decisions. I am sure your kitties love you even more for doing what is right by them:) Oh, I'll sit and suprvise whoever shovels:)
Wouldn't it be fun if those kitties could write a blog about all their new adventures and friends?? When I was little we lived on a farm and I always thought the barn cats had the most fun. ummm..I'll be sitting by debbie. Never can have too many supervisors??? *G*
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