CaC: Favorite and Future Vacations...
Over at Create A Connection the topic for Thursday's photo day is to post a photo of a recent vacation and why you enjoyed it. Then to post a photo of a place where you would like to vacation and why you would want to go there.
Last year we went to Maine twice! Everyone who read my blog knows that I fell in love with Maine. It was everything I imagined it would be and more. The ocean and waves drew me in, the food was wonderful, the charm of the towns made me want to spend lots of time there exploring! And, since it is not far from home I will go often to get my Maine fix. Below is a photo of me at the coastline...I can still smell the salt in the air!

Sevilla, Spain - my mother's family lived there before leaving everything behind and moving to Puerto Rico to start a safe life...Thanks to Wikipedia for this beautiful photo of an evening sunset in Sevilla.
So, there you have it - one past vacation and three dream vacations. Where would we be without our dreams?
Labels: Create A Connection
Beautiful photos - especially Maine!! This is a wonderful post, thanks for sharing your great vacation spot and your dreams.
I hope to go to Alaska some day. Lately I've been getting my Alaska fix by watching the old Northern Exposure TV episodes as well as the new show Men in Trees (Northern Exposure is actually filmed in my own state). Both depict small-town AK and make me want to live in a smaller town someday.
Oh GORGEOUS photos. I dunno WHERE I would pick for a dream vacation. Gosh, I guess anywhere LOL I have only been to South Carolina and THAT doesn't count cuz I lived there LOL.
What a gorgeous picture of you in Maine! I love Maine too...have you been to Camden when the lilacs bloom? Beautiful!!!
hey there!
i love the pic of you with you pink floyd T-shirt over looking the waves in maine. i've never been there, but it's on my list.
i am so with you on paris. i'm hoping to get there in june.
thanks for playing!
Ooooohhhhhhhhh Maine looks beautiful!!!! I may have to add that to my list of "places to go"!!!!
You look so relaxed and enjoying Maine! Great pic! I think I'd like Maine from the way you describe it. I love the Oregon Coast - Maine sounds similar but, possisbly better? I'll have to check it out in my travels.
Great choices for dream vacations. I'm going to have to think this one over and think of where I'd like to go... there are SO many places.
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