Happy 91st Birthday...Mom...

She is doing rather well considering the move! She seems to think that the new apartment consists of my bedroom, her bedroom, the bathroom and hall closet. But, then I'm pretty damn confused too - with all these boxes hanging around. And we are tending to sort of live in our own rooms for right this second. I will be especially glad when the kitchen/dining room are finished as we can then eat our meals at a normal dining room table instead of a tv tray.
All in all, she had a nice birthday!!!!
Don't tell her I posted that cute photo of her tasting beer recently. She doesn't drink - and Scarlett was having a beer and asked her if she wanted to taste it...she said "yes" and so we snapped a shot of her checking out the Coors! Hell, at 91 I think you ought to be able to taste whatever you want too!!!!
Labels: Personal
Happy Birthday Sarah's Mommy!! You are BEEEEAAUUUTIFUL Dahlink! Oh and seriously, your mom does NOT look her age, she is a Rockin' Momma *grin* A very lovely photo op, thanks for sharing your mom's picture of her gettin' her freak on LOLOLOLOL Hey, yer right, at 91, she can drink pee out of tupperware if she wants to, well...maybe not THAT!;)
Happy, Happy Birthday Sara's Mother! I'd never have guessed you are 91; you look so young!
Ewww, no Debbie, not pee out of tupperware! But most anything else she wants :)
Happy birthday to that beer-toking mom of yours. Hey, you're only as young as the beer you can chug. Or something like that!
Happy Birthday to Sarah's Mom! I think she looks awesome - I can only hope I look that good at 70!
Happy Birthday to your mom!
She looks fabulous!
I'm late, but tell your Mom I said "happy birthday" from Salem, MA. She looks pretty DARN GOOD for 91. I only hope I make it to 91, never mind look as good as she does, LOL. My Mom is in her 70's & her Mom, Grammy was chugging down her beer at 86. Can't imagine my Mom without her can of beer on a hot Saturday afternoon. ;-)
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