Saturday, March 24, 2007

Debbie Tagged Me...

My friend, Debbie, was just overjoyed at being was the first time she's been tagged. So, you just have to appreciate the enthusiasm! So, when she tagged me - I just gotta go with it...

Seven Things to Do Before I Die

1. Visit Paris, France - it's my grandfather's birthplace and I want to see it.
2. Take a trip back to Puerto Rico to re-discover part of my childhood and see the places I lived as a child now as an adult.
3. Hike the Appalachian Trail.
4. Spend a month at the seashore - either on Cape Cod or somewhere in Maine and just hang out walking the beach, knitting, and reading.
5. Learn how to take beautiful photos.
6. Create some beautiful quilts.
7. Visit some of the big name National Parks in the United States...I've been to a few - but there are still a few to go...

Seven Things I Cannot Do

1. Swim - only if like a rock counts...
2. Ski - there is no way that I am going to go down some mountain at breakneck speed hanging on to two poles with weird things on my feet.
3. Sing - cannot carry a tune - even in a bucket.
4. Draw - never been that type of an artist.
5. Fix Stuff around the house - that's why there are handymen.
6. Not help someone in need...I do try to help by doing a lot of charity knitting & quilting.
7. See an animal go hungry...

Seven Things That Attracted Me To...New Hampshire

1. The Water - there are tons of lakes here and all are so beautiful.
2. The Mountains - what's not to love about the mountains. They take my breath away.
3. The small towns with their greens and round abouts in the center of town.
4. The four seasons ... actually we have five in NH - Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter and Mud. Spring and Mud can run at the same time...depending on the amount of snow that we have.
5. The vegatation- lots of woods and big trees - and roads - not all big interstates...which gives one time to appreciate their surroundings.
6. The proximity to other states like Vermont, Massachussets and Maine.
7. The culture and educational availabilities. Within thirty minutes I can be a Dartmouth College to visit their library, museum, or attend a play or lecture.

Seven Things I Say

1. "What did I say, Mother?"
2. "Ya'll" - Hey, I grew up in the South.
3. "Honey" - Same reason, I grew up in the South
4. "F**k a Duck - Hey, I never said I was an angel
5. "Killian, that's not polite" - to my cat who is infatuated with my old knit afghan.
6. "Ya'll just came in - now go lie down" - to the dogs who seem to think that my only job in life is to open the back door every five minutes so they can go out.
7. "I'll be there in a minute" - covers when I'm reading, at the computer, at the sewing machine, or want to finish a row of whatever I am knitting on.

Seven Good Books

1. Gone With the Wind - Margaret Mitchell - my most favorite book ever.
2. Elegant Stitches: An Illustrated Stitch Guide and Source Book of Inspiration - Judith Baker Montano - got me started on embellishing quilts and knitted items.
3. Little Women - Louisa May Alcott - from childhood I've loved this book.
4. Six of One - Rita Mae Brown - one of her funniest and best as far as I am concerned.
5. Peyton Place - Grace Metalious - one of the best written books as far as plot and characters.
6. The All New Joy of Cooking - Rombauer, Becker, and Becker. A big help in learning to cook.
7. Rodale's Successful Quilting Library - All fifteen books in the series - have been wonderful in learning how to quilt better.

Seven Good Movies

1. Gone With the Wind - there will never be another Scarlett or Rhett than Viven Leigh and Clark is my all time favorite movie...
2. Love, Valor and Compassion - This is one of my favorite movies - if you haven't seen it - it is really good. It's an Indie and has an incredible cast.
3. 9-1/2 Weeks - Kim Basinger at her best! And, Mickey Rourke isn't bad either. Of course, he was a lot younger and in much better shape.
4. Body Heat - William Hurt and Kathleen Turner - her first big role - and it is hot!
5. Top Gun - What can I's worth watching to hear Berlin sing "Take My Breath Away"
6. The American President - It's a fun movie...
7. A toss up between: A Chorus Line and Practical Magic - they both are great movies.

These movies are always guaranteed to brighten my day and they make a great week-end of movies to relax with...

I'm supposed to tag 7 blogs - but, I'm not really good at that - so, if you want to play - let me know in the comments and I'll go check out your 7!



At 9:41 PM, Blogger DebbieKnitter said...

Thank you Sara, you know what, I knew you were fantastic from the very first email and I am RIGHT!! BUT that potty mouth of F$%k a Duck...*giggling uncontrollably* OY VEY!!! I loved reading about you and you know what, I wrote down the movies and gave them to my husband, we're going to rent some:) Thanks!

At 10:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mickey Rourke has an exceptional physique to this day, sweetheart.

At 10:15 PM, Blogger Deb R said...

I might do this meme, but it won't be right away. I'm going to save it though, for later!

I enjoyed reading your answers. :-)

At 1:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I got tagged with the same meme; haven't had a chance to do it yet, but plan to.

I enjoyed learning a bit more about you.

At 10:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, the "F--- a Duck" is one of my favorites. Think I'll play along. Hope spring is treating you well.


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