New Threads...
No, not clothes! I don't buy those very often. But, beautiful hand dyed threads! And, hand dyed buttons, too. Recently while participating in the Mall Crawl I won a gift certificate to Pumpkin Patch Primitives. The minute I hit their website I knew what I wanted to get with my gift certificate! It had to be these beautiful threads and buttons. The buttons are called Itsy Bitsy and Teeny Weeny...and they are so tiny that you wonder how in the world they could be hand dyed.

Are these just not incredible????
Labels: Quilting
Thank you for the link. :) Now that I've got more space, I really want to get back to my quilting, and using colorful embellishments like this.
Hmmmm...I have some old tea stained bone beads. I wonder if those can be dyed in colors?
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