Sunday, June 08, 2008

A Quiz...

You Should Live in a Small Town

You prefer a close knit community to the bustle of the city.

You like locally owned businesses, local flavor, and friendly neighbors.

There's nothing boring about a small town!

And, I do! Thanks, Janet!!!

Short on time and energy - my sister called with bad news about their dog, Russell. He is a Jack Russell and about ten years old. He is having surgery tomorrow as they found cancer. We are all stressed.

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At 3:38 PM, Blogger OldLady Of The Hills said...

So sorry to read about Russell....I pray he will be alright! These things are so hard to bear, I know.

I should live in a small city---And in a way, I do! I know people don't think of Los Angeles as a small city, but it is really just a bunch of little towns all strung together....I live in one of those little towns!

At 7:15 PM, Blogger Shephard said...

I am supposed to live in a small city.
And I do! (big city adjacent, lol)

You are definitely an urban person, but not any old city will do.
You want a city that matches you well. For you, big cities lack individuality.
You prefer a smaller city with lots of personality, local culture, and history.

At 10:34 PM, Blogger Minnesota Nice said...

I should live in a small city. Hmm, is Minneapolis a small city? Well, compared to LA or NYC, maybe.

Hugs for Russell - how did he do?


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