Monday, November 10, 2008

T is for...


I love teapots...have no idea why or where it came from...other than I occasionally enjoy some hot tea! Especially in the winter time when curled up with a good book under a nice quilt - it will either be hot tea or hot chocolate!

So, these are a lot of my teapots...

The one on the left has a kitty in the window and it was made for me by Tammy, a friend of mine. Actually she made a few of the ceramic teapots you'll see.
The brown one with the cup and the blue one were made by potters - and were bought at craft fairs all over the country. In the background you can see part of a tall teapot - that is a Harry Potter teapot Tammy made.

Some of these I bought at stores on my travels - and others were gifts.

The blue and white on the left is set given to me - it is very oriental in style. The brass one that needs to be polished came from some hotel and the beautiful blue one is heavy as all heck - and it came from a local person.
Teapots and tea!!!! That works for the letter "T"



At 12:26 PM, Blogger Janet said...

I used to have that blue and white one with the rice holes...miss it!

At 6:33 PM, Blogger Susan said...

I like the short fat minimalist ones. To me they just look cozy.

At 2:56 AM, Blogger OldLady Of The Hills said...

What a lovely thing to collect....! And what a GREAT Collection you have....Now I will not be able to see a Teapot without thinking of you, Sara....! (lol)

My Word Verification is!

At 6:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OOOH. I love them too but have no place to put them.


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