Wednesday, June 06, 2007

WTF Wednesday...

Usually you will find that I do not write about religion or politics on my blog...sometimes I might casually mention something...but rarely...

Except for last night...Happened to be watching the Republican Debates as I had watched the Democratic ones on Sunday...fair is fair...and never in my life have I been so disgusted at what I saw on that stage.

When asked by show of hands how many would not object to having openingly gay and lesbians serving in the military NOT one of them raised their hand...

WTF is up with that? Oh, it's okay to risk your life and maybe get your ass shot off for your country - but, it's not okay to live an open and honest life about who you are...

My wish for all ten on the stage last night - that every gay, lesbian, transgendered person and person who knows someone or has family that is not cast the first vote for any of them. See how quick they'd get elected if everyone banned together...

Just saying...(picks up knitting...)



At 3:08 AM, Blogger Suzie Ridler said...

I didn't realize that had happened! I knew they asked that question of the Democrats and I think most of them raised their hands. The fact that the Republicans didn't is sick. Absolutely sick. I could punch them each in the nose! But then I'm Canadian, that wouldn't be very polite of me, LOL. I want to though!

At 5:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't watch the Republican debates because I get too pissed off. I did see a clip of that on the news and it infuriated me!


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