Saturday, August 18, 2007

Status Check...

Eight months of this year are almost doesn't seem possible. So many changes in these few months...that it has become time to check the status on my goals that I set at the beginning of the year.

Moving seems to put a hold on life - projects have continued although not as quickly as I had hoped for. There was a lot of heartache and roller coaster emotions but in the end things are as they are supposed to be...

My new apartment has become "my home" is looking more and more like me as I unpack. But, more importantly it has become my home emotionally and I am finding contentment and peace within its walls. Joy and happiness don't seem to be avoiding me...or maybe I am just letting it back in...instead of looking at and feeling only the negative. Life has always been good to I am allowing it to be better! And, once again I am learning who I am and what I want from my life - and hopefully growing...

Ahhh...but, I digress...this is about a status report on my tangible goals...

1) Knitting from my Stash - kept my word not to buy any yarns other than sock yarn...and have worked on projects with yarns that have been in my stash.

2) UFOs and WIP - Have to admit my knitting is current. Finished a scarf last night and started the second one. Am using the same pattern as they will be going to different people...and it is a cute pattern.

On the quilting side - haven' done well on that only because my quilting items and area is not set up yet...but, it is in the works...and hopefully by the end of the month it will be all ready and I can once again work on quilting.

3) Yarn Life Challenge - the Red Sweater is done and I hate it. What can I say...the pattern which I just loved and was the reason for making the sweater does not show up the way I wished, am thinking it is time to frog it...we'll see.

Socks - the goal was to make a pair of socks every two months. Got one pair finished and another on needles. The year is not over yet and maybe six pair will be finished by then - who knows.

4) Reading - The summer reading program was a success and I finished my nine books really early into it. Since then my reads have been:

The Rocky Road to Romance by Janet Evanovich -Fiction

Center Square: The Paul Lynde Story by Steve Wilson and Joe Florenski - Biography

The Woman’s Day Book of Beauty, Health, and Fitness by Sharon Gold - Non-Fiction

So my total reading was 2001 pages for the month of July!!!

In addition, as the unpacking has taken place old books have been found and put on the night stand to read...some were books that had been forgotten in the bookcases. That will explain why some of the books are ten years old - and as the reading goes on - some will be even older.

5) My charity knitting continues with the Red Scarf Project, the Magic 28 socks, and hats and mittens for the local head start will come as projects are finished...

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At 2:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sorry you have to frog your sweater! I would be so upset. I just finished a scarf last week. Now I'm going to learn how to knit socks (my husband wants a pair) I'm kind of intimidated, but it should be ok.

At 10:58 AM, Blogger Sara said...

Leslie, Socks are such fun to knit! I was totally intimidated until I took a class - now I can't stop knitting socks!!!!

At 10:07 PM, Blogger Susan said...

I learned with the Come To Silver tutorial. Was much easier even than class for me cause it had great big photos on the site. I still refer to it once in awhile and have printed it out a couple of times just in case the site ever disappears.

At 10:08 PM, Blogger Susan said...

Oh, and I forgot to say how proud I am of you. You've come a long way baby...and still working out of stash!

At 8:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sara, you are an inspiration to me! What a wonderful post, and I'm so glad you're finding peace and joy in your new place.

At 9:38 PM, Blogger Ann said...

Giving you the biggest hug. I am so proud of you and all you have accomplished in 2007.

I told you it was going to be a great year.

At 8:46 AM, Blogger Rhonda the Stitchingnut said...

I'm sending you hugs too ... you're in a good place. Always look on the bright side and good things happen, I say.

I'm trying to knit 1 pair of socks a month right now. I need 'em for the winter. Need to start scarves for gifts tho.


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