Friday, April 18, 2008

Friday-Fill-In #68...

1. The last time I lost my temper I was a nasty bit**!

2. The actions of our government and the president is what I'm fed up with!

3. The next book I'd like to read is The Jim and Dan Stories by Colleen Redman. I bought it and haven't gotten it read yet.

4. Summer SPA at Sherry's is what I'm looking forward to. (It's a knitting, spinning thing)

5. If you can't get rid of the skeleton[s] in your closet, barricade the door!

6. The best thing I got in the mail recently was a notice that mother might qualify for that stimulus payment.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to relaxing, knitting, and watching some shows I taped, tomorrow my plans include getting a manicure and Sunday, I want to go to church and then just relax at home! All events outside my home are dependent on how I am feeling by morning!

UPDATE: Today I managed to go grocery shopping and to get a part put in my car. That pretty well wiped me out...but, I am starting to feel better and stronger...



At 3:49 PM, Blogger Janet said...

I'm glad you're starting to feel better and that your Mom might quality for the stimulus payment. Great news!

At 6:25 PM, Blogger carmilevy said...

Hi Sara. I cruised in from Michele's to wish you a quick and full recovery. I'm very upset with the nasty doc for getting you sick. The nerve! May good news continue to find you.

At 9:21 PM, Blogger Teena in Toronto said...

A nasty bit, eh? Ha!

BTW, Michele sent me.

At 9:16 AM, Blogger Minnesota Nice said...

Colds are rotten - hope you feel better so you can have a good weekend.

At 9:47 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Hope you feel better soon...

At 4:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Sara, it's amazing how sick docs can get you, isn't it? Keep getting better-I hope you had a chance to enjoy today's beautiful weather!

At 7:27 PM, Blogger OldLady Of The Hills said...

I read this great thiung on someone else's blog about the Sheletons in your closet---She/He said....If you can't get rid of the skeletons in your closet--Teach Them To Dance! LOL! Isn't that great?

I too am fed up with that gang of Criminals in D.C. IMPEACH, IMPEACH, IMPEACH!!!

Hope you are feeling better and better each day, Sara.


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