Mazda's Not The Only One...
Zoom...Zoom...Zoom! That would be me you hear! There it is - the new baby! Gotta tell you - it feels like I've come out of the darkness into the light!
We just be zoomin'!
It arrived on Saturday! And, we were up and running at 1:30 a.m. on Sunday morning.
It's just a joy! And, one that I truly deserved! I spend a lot of time on the computer...and this one will serve me well for a long time to come!
I am drooling with envy...
Cool! I want a flat screen so badly ... but I think I just committed myself to a promise to stop spending any more money for awhile.
Maybe I'll get it for Christmas next time.
Congratulations! I'm SO happy for you. Imagine all the wonderful things you'll be able to do now.
If you write on this, can it be considered a business deduction?
... because you're worth it! Happy new year.
Hooray for you! And may you compute with utter joy!
You have a nice set up there.
I have a small laptop that is about the size of a letter page. I do most of my print at the office.
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