Thursday, February 05, 2009


At my "cottage meeting" for one of my quilt groups - I began working once again on a tumbling blocks quilt that I have been doing since I lived in Tennessee. I called it "Waiting Room Tumbling Blocks". I patiently cut paper patterns and basted the fabric - and had just started to put the quilt together that was worked on at all of mother's doctor's visits.

I'm not happy with it - It's not joining up right and I'm not sure how to fix it.
Still have plenty of all the fabrics - so, I could do it some other time - but this one just isn't impressing me.
So, I'm passing it on at one of my quilt guilds - as there are some folks who enjoy finishing other people's projects.

But, for me - it's Bye, Bye, Quilt!



At 6:02 PM, Blogger Jen said...

Oh, Sara - I'm just watching WMUR news about a big apartment fire in Claremont, on Middle St. Was that near you? Are you okay?

At 8:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG I cannot believe you are giving this up.....I really loved this entire idea and I remember all the cutting and work you did on this quilt.....I love it
wow I am just so shocked you are not going to finish it

At 8:24 PM, Blogger Pat said...

Sometimes we lose patience with a project and someone else can breathe life into it. I'm sure that's what will happen with this quilt. Maybe you can get a picture of it to show us when it's done (from whoever agrees to finish it)?


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