Saturday, September 29, 2007

We Made The News...

No, not Mom and I - but, my little city. Our news comes from our Queen city, Manchester, which is a ways away- so, it seems like they never cover us...but they did on Thursday night!

We had a horrible storm! Really horrible. I was at the old house getting the rest of my clothes out of there when the storm started. We could hear thunder rumbling for about an hour before - then suddenly, the sky burst. We had hail - huge hail...I honestly thought it it was going to break the glass in the skylights it was hitting so hard.

The storm broke and we managed to get to my apartment...(it's only 4/10ths of a mile). Mother still wasn't home...and the storm started again. Horrific lightening...then all of a sudden we heard a loud crack and the fire alarms in my building went off, the electric went off and everyone was out trying to figure out what happened. Fire engines were everywhere - and in the middle of all this Mother came home...

The house across the street got hit with lightening and it came through an outlet and hit their six week old baby boy. He is alright - I spoke to his mother yesterday - and he was checked out at the hospital and there was no damage to him anywhere...she said it was a miracle!)

The golf course across the street lost three huge trees - one of them directly across from our window...had it fallen toward the street it would have hit our apartment building. There was an extreme amount of damage to trees and landscape but thankfully no lives were lost...

We were happy to be safe...and thankful that all was well - but, the storm was enough to get the news crews here!!!



At 1:00 PM, Blogger Shephard said...

Holy cow! What a storm. We used to get storms like that a lot in Florida (14 years of them, for us). But ones that strong are hair-raising (literally). Glad all was ok after.


At 1:00 PM, Blogger Shephard said...

Oops, Michele says hi!

At 1:06 PM, Blogger Jen said...

My god, Sara, what a fright! I'm glad everyone's okay!

At 2:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a way to make the news! I'm glad everyone is okay. Gosh, how I miss New Hampshire. I was born in Nashua and then lived in Ctr Barnstead for awhile before moving to AZ. What a change!
Oh and I'm here via Michele's! :)

At 4:14 PM, Blogger November Rain said...

HI I am here from Michelles

I am use to storms because I grew up in Fl but I wouldnt think it would be away Id want to get in the news but still you are fine and you did get mentioned :)

At 4:20 PM, Blogger OldLady Of The Hills said...

How frightening and it certainly makes you stop short, doesn't it? At any moment something can happen and change your whole world....!
That is very scary about the baby...So glad to hear he is okay! I never heard about lightening coming through the light socket in such a horrendous way....!

Thanks for your very sweet comment on my post about my sister Robin...

I just posted a NEW post of a happy nature....!

At 4:41 PM, Blogger His Office, My Studio said...

OMG! Glad to read everyone is OK and the baby is not hurt.

We had a bad storm a few weeks ago and was with out power for three days and our town lost 30% of it trees. We are known for our trees and our nick name is Tree City USA.

At 5:38 PM, Blogger Shannon akaMonty said...

Thank heavens that baby was okay!!!
I normall love a good loud rumbly thunderstorm...but that one sounds a little scary!

Glad you made it through none the worse for wear. :)

Hiya, Michele sent me!

At 7:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, what a coincidence! I live on the border of Tempe in Mesa. How does she like AZ? :)

At 7:59 PM, Blogger sage said...

that sounds like a terrible storm--that must have been scary for your neighbor with the baby, I'm glad to hear things turned out. Michele says hi.

At 10:22 PM, Blogger -E said...

WOW! I'm glad you and yours were safe. Hope the weekend was a bit more relaxing than that though hehe.

Here from Michele's.

At 11:01 PM, Blogger Deb R said...

Damn, that sounds awful! Glad you're ok!!

At 7:33 AM, Blogger November Rain said...

What to thank you for stopping by my blog and answer your questions,

there are many books you can read I recommend scott cunningham:
Living Wicca, raven silverwolf:how to ride a broom and how to stir a cauldron

The 12 wild swans by starhawk has some good info (you should read my review on it)

I will add my book review links in Novy News for you but basically be cautious of Starhawk and remember she is a strong feminist which there is nothing wrong with empowering women but I think she goes overboard on it as well as a little overboard on her protests.

There are Wiccans who believe we should be a bit more reserved and meek

but that is what is best about Wiccan we support all beliefs
Starhawk has to follow her path and it is the right path for her but not nessec the path for all Wiccans

At 3:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello, here from Michele's. So glad you made it safely through the storm!

I used to love lightening until one time a bolt hit the propane tank near our home and the tank caught on fire! Everything turned out okay, but ever since then lightening makes me nervous.

At 5:25 PM, Blogger Gordon said...

Yikes! what a storm, glad we don't get anything that scary over here, although sometimes it does get a bit windy and things rattle, creak and maybe break sometimes... Well if we had that kinda storm you can bet one of my pc's would be hit.


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