Friday, November 30, 2007

It's Official...I'm Old...

And, "they" said so..."They" even have it in writing.

Yep...I am one of those "baby boomers" who will qualify for Social Security (or as the application reads: Federal Old-Age Insurance) in 2008! Still can't believe it!

Remembering back to when I began working at 16 - the thought of being 62 and collecting SS was incomprehensibe! After all, 62 was ancient! But, come February 6th, I'll be 62! Not so ancient - as I once thought!

Edited by Sara: Actually, I feel like I've been retired for several years now as I haven't worked a paying job - because I'm Mom's full time 24/7 caregiver.

And, I love the fact that I can pursue all my earthly pleasures like reading, knitting, quilting, etc whenever I want!

I just didn't want anyone to think I was complaining!



At 9:33 AM, Blogger Joe said...

Michele sent me to say hi!

Each year I can't believe how young I still think I am--mind you I'm only 43, but when I was 20, 43 was ancient. Now, not so much.

At 10:17 AM, Blogger Rhonda the Stitchingnut said...

I'm closing in fast to 60 (well I'm 59 in January) but you know something? I'm far happier and content with my life NOW than I ever was thru my teens or 20's or even 30's. I can't wait to enjoy retirement. And I AM going to enjoy all that knitting time. ;-) (3 more years!)

At 3:19 PM, Blogger Rhonda the Stitchingnut said...

I hope you didn't think I thought you were complaining. I just thought you might be worried or lamenting over the passing of time. (I've been old forever but not in years -- that's a Capricorn for you.)

Enjoy the extras that official retirement will get ya ;-)

At 4:51 PM, Blogger Sara said...

Rhonda, No, I didn't think you thought I was complaining ... because I knew you knew I was thrilled with the idea! Just sort of wondering where those 62 years went so darn fast...and then there are some folks who read this who might have thought I was - complaining - that is!

At 4:53 PM, Blogger Granny Annie said...

Yep, another baby boomer here. I remember my 6th grade teacher, Mrs. McIntosh asking her class where we thought we would be in the year 2000. I said "Dead".

At 4:59 PM, Blogger Janet said...

Having turned 64 this past Sept, I can assure you that I'm not old!! Getting my SS check each month is so much fun. It means I can buy more goodies at the art store or the book store, and I have all the time in the world to pursue the things I love. So it isn't a bad thing....I think it's a pretty darn good thing!! :-)

At 7:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Michele sent me to say that's not all that old with the average life expectancy as high as it is now.

At 7:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Michele sent me to say that's not all that old with the average life expectancy as high as it is now! You're still young yet.

At 7:53 AM, Blogger Susan said...

I've got you beat by a year but I can't retire yet..gotta wait for that darn Medicare cause I sure can't afford private insurance. What a racket!

At 2:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, at 62 you are starting life! Have fun!

Michele sent me here to tell you to go, paint the town PURPLE!


At 2:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You aren't old.
I mean, 35 is the new 21, so 60's the new 30. (Don't you love my math?)

Of course, I'm 37 and look 19, so....

At 8:18 PM, Blogger Shephard said...

I hope to be as happy and full of life as you when I'm 62... when I get older, losing my hair, many years from now. (wink, i know it's "When I'm 64," but I couldn't resist!)



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