Quiet Day...
Spending a quiet day - organizing my calendar now that I will be attending physical therapy twice week for the next few months...
As my doctor said the other day - after a bunch of x-rays, cat scans, and other tests on my kidneys, bladder, and liver - (there were some other small things that made her look closer at these areas) we know what it isn't...Thankfully it is not Cancer in any of those areas. So, we are starting to look for other causes of the horrendous pain that "cold flat stops me in my tracks" and the ever persistent dull pain that holds on all the time.
She thinks it is possibly related so the area where the pelvic bones connect with the spine. And, after the the PT evaluation where all the pain seemed to disappear with certain pressure in that area - it looks like we might be on the right track.
So, today, I am resting and doing my exercise and keeping heat and cold on the area...
Have a great day all!!!
Labels: Personal