Ten on Tuesday...
'10 Words People Would Use to Describe You'
3) Friend
Labels: Ten on Tuesday
The fabric and fiber through my life as seen by a fiber artist.
'10 Words People Would Use to Describe You'
Labels: Ten on Tuesday
A hand knit wash cloth that I myself knit and a bar of Lilac Goat Milk Soap made by a local farm called Angel Ridge Farm.
Please visit the rest of the New England bloggers listed below at their blog...Look for the May Day Giveaway Logo...and have a good time...
http://cmscanlon.blogspot.com/ Catherine in Maine
http://www.basia-spiritspace.blogspot.com/ Barbara in MA
http://thebookkitten.blogspot.com/ Kitten in CT
http://lifeasitis22.blogspot.com/ Tara In MA
http://livinglocalnh.blogspot.com/ Virginia in NH
http://lovingmom2boys.blogspot.com/ Liz in RI
http://suelovescherries.blogspot.com/ Sue in MA
http://pennysartroomblog.blogspot.com/ Penny in ME
http://pennywisepeople.blogspot.com/ Colleen in NH
http://raiseyourhandif.blogspot.com/ Carol in MA
http://fromichelle.blogspot.com/ Michelle
http://ebogie.blogspot.com/ Elizabeth in MA
Labels: Giveaway
Remember I went on a Knitting Retreat a few weeks back...Thought I'd share some photos with you -
Labels: Knitting, my corner of the world
Labels: Quilting
1. Apparently there's some sort of conspiracy against Spring arriving here in Claremont. Still no blooms around.
2. Tomorrow is supposed to be a sunny day. I think it is going to happen because the sun just came out...and it's supposed to stay that way all the way through Sunday.
3. 2009 has been both good and hard so far.
4. People who lie to me soon find that was it. I don't put up with that at all.
5. For too long I've been resting way too much and not getting out and walking. And, I don't understand why because walking makes me feel really good.
6. I am not obsessed with reading; I am not!
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to attending the opening night of my favorite local ice cream shop for dinner and ice cream (of course), tomorrow my plans include hanging around the house and relaxing and Sunday, I want to attend a special workshop after church!
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Labels: Friday Fill-In; Personal
This week has been a great mail week for me...Some things I was expecting (because of a couple of contests that I won) - but, then one of them was a complete surprise...
At my house Earth Day is everyday...mainly because recycling, avoiding using extra water, using natural light, and doing other things that help our planet are habits now.
Labels: Personal
Since I don't go to movies very often - the Ten on Tuesday really doesn't work for me - so, I thought I would share my views about Twitter...
Labels: The Simple Woman's Daybook
Amy over at ParkCityGirl is sponsoring the First Annual Bloggers Quilt Festival. We are to pick our favorite quilt and tell the story behind it...
I have chosen this one... Most of you will recognize it as the quilt I made for my daughter this past Christmas. It is a king size quilt.
There are 1,226 pieces in this quilt. 449 of them are the muslin pieces. 777 of them are either 2-1/2 inch square or 4-1/2" squares of totally different fabric. None of the colored fabrices in this quilt or on the label or in the binding are the same.
I wanted my daughter to have a quilt that I had made her...and I wanted it to look old-fashioned. Hence the muslin and the muslin backing.
This quilt was the most fun to work on - I loved playing with the colors and just picking pieces of fabric out from a paper lunch sack. My daughter loves this quilt - and has had so many compliments on it...and I loved making it for her.
Labels: Bloggers Quilt Festival 2009
Like a lot of you - I belong to Ravelry...and in January they started a 52 Books in 52 Weeks group. Since I have been doing a lot of reading this year - thought the challenge would be good for me...Didn't want to mention it - in case the results didn't look promising... Thought you might like to see how it is going.
Labels: 52 Books in 52 Weeks Reading
1. Join me in learning how to live a more fun and simplier life.
2. Put a little fun and good food in your day!
3. Happiness is feeling loved - especially loving yourself.
4. Dazed and confused. (Wasn't that a movie!)
5. I'm waiting for the mailman to bring me a notice that I am going to get a rebate check from Uncle Sam. My neighbor got one.
6. A good book is hard to resist.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to have Scarlett and Elizabeth over for dinner, tomorrow my plans include sewing on my quilt top and putting on a border for Elizabeth's quilt and Sunday, I want to go to church at the new church I found!
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Labels: Friday Fill-In; Personal
Labels: Knitting
Ten Signs that You are Getting Older
Labels: Ten on Tuesday
Today was an extremely busy day...
Labels: Personal
Labels: The Simple Woman's Daybook
Last weekend was spent at a knitting and spinning retreat. (More about that in the next few days). It was a wonderful three days with people who knew what you were talking about when you mentioned that you dropped a stitch - or that your spinning wheel was acting funny.
And, this is what is going to be made from it:
Labels: Knitting
What can I say - the Spring Cleaning bug has really got hold of me.
Labels: Personal
I have no idea what is going on - but, I actually woke up thinking today would be a good day to rearrange the pantry...
Labels: Cooking
10 Least Liked Foods
1) Green Peas - I can't stand green peas. I remember getting into trouble in the third grade - Miss Smith (lordy, she was older than dirt) sent me to the office because I wouldn't eat my "greeny greens"!
2) Exotic foods - you know like chocolate covered spiders, goat, etc. - I mean I don't think I would be rude and offend anyone if I were traveling in some strange land and they invited me to dinner. But the chances of that are slim to none!
3) Spicy Buffalo Wings or anything really spicy or curried food. My tummy can't take it.
4) Bread and Butter or Sweet Pickles - I only eat Dill Pickles!
5) Eggplant - the thought makes me think of when I was little and my grandmother used to make it - she would fry it and we would eat it with maple syrup on top. I might could eat it that way - but any other way - NAH...
6) Okra - never, never, never. I feel really safe in saying that I will NEVER eat okra.
7) Raw onion - I can't eat raw onion - but, if it is cooked I can handle it!!! Isn't that weird?
8) Lima Beans - oh - no! And, when they ruin my corn by putting lima beans in it - then I get really upset.
9) Feta Cheese - Don't care for the taste of it.
10) Tofu - I have to be honest and say that I have tried it - and I don't like it. It was part of several meals in Hawaii. Then I went on a writers retreat with a group of vegetarians and if I wanted to eat - there was tofu...seven days of that and I was over tofu!
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Labels: Ten on Tuesday
Some lovely flowers on my dining room table. I love fresh flowers - so, I usually treat myself at the grocery store.
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Labels: The Simple Woman's Daybook
What a wonderful week-end.
Labels: Personal
Today is the day a group of my knitting friends are getting together just to sit and either knit or spin. Since I don't spin - I'll be doing a lot of knitting (I hope).
Labels: Knitting
1. Angel or not, I will have a hard time believing you exist.
2. Bend me, Shape me any way you want me. Boy, that song popped into my mind!
3. As my mother used to say, you're full of it. Never quite sure whether that was a compliment or not.
4. I feel really good about myself after I'm done working out or doing something strenuous.
5. Even in the most crowded of rooms I can feel totally alone.
6. I never feel as if any day is a day fraught with peril.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to having dinner with friends, tomorrow my plans include spending some time with friends knitting and Sunday, I want to relax and enjoy a good book!
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Labels: Friday Fill-In; Personal
She left this morning to go and see Grandma...and then told me that she was going to be busy sewing for the rest of the day once she got back home.
The white humming thing was going a lot last night and I guess I'll have to listen to it again this afternoon. Darn, keeps me from getting to the window.
Oh, I found this neat photo on the Internet - think Mom would be made if I tried this? Just asking!