Friday Fill-In #61...
1. I'm looking forward to being with my quilting group next week.
Labels: Friday Fill-In; Personal
The fabric and fiber through my life as seen by a fiber artist.
Labels: Friday Fill-In; Personal
What else is there to do on a snowy day other than read and watch movies?...(well, I guess I could finish up the last few boxes that need to be unpacked, start on a new quilt or a dozen other things)...but, I felt like finishing a book and watching a movie.
Labels: A-Z Reading Challenge, Reading
Woke up to this Winter Wonderland! It is gorgeous!
The view from my apartment window...
Again the view from Scarlett's porch - please note the level of snow in yard, hedge and street sign!
Again another view from my apartment window...
They reported on the news that the Concord area has seen 91.5 inches of snow this year! We've seen about the same...which is 5 times the amount of snow that we had the entire year last year! See I told you I had never seen this much snow at one time!!!
Labels: storms
Labels: ABC Along 2008, Family
Trying to get it all together this, I'm taking it easy. Found this over at Deb's - and thought I would snag it...Thanks, Deb!
Labels: MEME
1. A full tank of gas and an open road is the best thing about traveling.
Labels: Friday Fill-In; Personal
It's been a wicked busy couple of days...
The Moon will be eclipsed this evening, starting with the Moon entering the Earth's shadow at 8:43pm, and becoming fully eclipsed at 10pm. While eclipsed, the Moon will appear a coppery-red, brighter on the bottom, and redder on top. The Moon stays eclipsed until 10:52 PM, and then gradually emerges from the Earth's shadow until it is completely out at 12:09 AM EST.
Labels: Nature
And, those would be flurries of white snow falling outside my window! Along with the shining sun! Go figure! But, it looks like a fun day will be had...
Labels: Personal.
Morning, all!
Labels: Personal
Came home about an hour ago from a wonderful morning out at my quilt guild's Saturday Sewing Day! I had so missed those days and not being able to, it was Grand!
Labels: Quilting
Cats have always shared my life...
Labels: ABC Along 2008, Cats
C is for Chocolate!
They ship - just sayin'...
Happy Valentine's Day!!!!
Labels: ABC Along 2008, DayTrippin', Travel
Here's how it works:
1. I’ll respond with something random about you.
2. I’ll tell you what song/movie reminds me of you.
3. I’ll pick a flavor of jello to wrestle you in.
4. I’ll say something that only makes sense to you and me. (if possible!)
5. I’ll tell you my first memory of you.
6. I’ll tell you what animal you remind me of.
7. I’ll ask you something I’ve always wondered about you.
8. If you ask to play, it would be great if you posted the answers and continued this meme... but I won't hold you to it if that keeps you from playing.
Here are Shephard's answers for me:
1. I admire people who can make/create artistic & useful things.
2. "How to Make an American Quilt" (movie, 1995) of course!
3. I make it a point not to wrestle in jello w/people I haven't known a year.
4. I haven't quite known you long enough yet. :)
5. Your creativity.
6. A butterfly, for its color and its transformation. :)
7. If you were a quilt, what color and pattern would you be?
If I were a quilt I would be a scrappy quilt - with a pattern pretty much like the one pictured below (it is a quilt I am handquilting for my daughter). I have such a love for color and there are just so many beautiful fabrics around that I would want to use them all...and a scrappy quilt is the only way to do that...
Labels: MEME
Labels: Reading
Off I went this morning - to the quilt shop! And, the yarn shop! And even managed to treat myself to breakfast (at Noon) at Denny's!
Today started out easy enough - up at 7:30, bathe, get ready to go to doctor's appointment, PCSP arrives to take care of mom...and I head out.
Labels: Personal
What a wonderful day yesterday was! Thanks to all of you who sent birthday wishes either on the blog, e-mail, or snail mail! It was wonderful!!!!
This photo of the fabric is actually shows the colors of the batik clearer.
I have been wanting this book since I saw it over at Storey Publishing. Really trying to eat better and thought it would help me with learning ways to cook veggies. In just glancing over it I noticed that it has a lot more information other than just, I am looking so forward to using it!
As we were walking out of the restaurant it started to flurry ... and when we came out of Best Buy (right down the street from the restaurant) having only been in there less than ten minutes we were in the middle of a full-fledged snow storm. As we got closer to Claremont it started turning to that icy rain stuff...but woke up this morning to snow...and it is still snowing...
Mom and my sister gave me some money which I am spending for a couple of knitting accessories that I have been wanting...and for some fabric or yarn or books...(not that I need any of those items!)
All in all - a Great Day!!!!
Labels: Personal
Yoga class tonight...and I am looking forward to it...should be lots of fun!!!! (I hope)
Killian here...I'm back today.
Yesterday and today just seemed to end up running into each other! And, right now it is 7:35 p.m. and I have no idea where the day went! Haven't really accomplished much! Other than organize stuff in order to pay the bills for the month. Oh, I did knit on a pair of socks for myself for a couple of hours.
Labels: Personal;
As my friend, Sandy, reminded me ... today is Third Annual Poetry Reading. This is one of my most favorite poems!
Labels: Poetry
This is the perfect day to movies...knit...and read. The weather is a bit of a mess! Had to go walk the dogs this morning which meant I moved a sheet of ice and snow mixture off of my windshield...and it all came off in one big chuck!
Labels: Personal
I am sure that you have noticed that I am suddenly into taking some classes to help me relax and get some exercise...and to ease your mind (or not depending on if you were concerned or not) - there isn't anything seriously wrong...just some life altering events have been happening and the way that I live my life has been altered.